SAG-AFTRA ProACT Conservatory Presents A 2018 Tax Information Session with Catrina Craft, CPA
The new tax reform bill effective January 1, 2018, made major revisions to the U.S. tax code for both individuals and corporations. Will your personal tax situation be affected? If you are involved in any aspect of the entertainment industry, the answer is likely to be a resounding yes. The ProACT Conservatory invites members and industry friends to this tax information session navigating the challenging new IRS rules and regulations. Catrina Craft, CPA, will thoroughly break down the changes in tax code that could affect you and your business.
When: 6-8 p.m., March 5
Wrere: Trinity River Arts Center
2600 N Stemmons Freeway
Dallas, TX 75207
Cost: Free
RSVP: Email DallasRSVP@sagaftra.org with your name and phone number.
Topics of Discussion:
- Many business expense deductions we are accustomed to taking, i.e. agent commissions, union dues, equipment, mileage, etc., have been eliminated in the new IRS guidelines.
- What changes need to be made to your business model to maximize tax savings?
- What is “pass-through business income” – including sole proprietorships, LLCs, partnerships and S corporations – and how is it taxed?
Catrina M. Craft, CEO of Craft Entertainment CFO, specializes in Financial Business Management and Personalized Accounting/Tax Services for the Entertainment Industry. Craft has served as treasurer of both the Dallas Producers Association and Women In Film Dallas. She acts as the CPA for the Texas Association of Motion Media Professionals and her client list ranges from crew to multi-million dollar companies and celebrities in the entertainment industry.
This workshop is not intended to imply an endorsement of any individual or company by SAG-AFTRA. The information provided through the workshop is given for informational purposes and may not be a suitable substitute for the advice of tax preparer/professional, legal or financial counsel. You should always use good judgment in these matters and should not act or refrain from acting based solely on information provided through the workshop.