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A Musical Based on the Play by Sir J.M. Barrie
Lyrics by Carolyn Leigh
Music by Morris (Moose) Charlap
Additional Lyrics by Betty Comden and Adolph Green
Additional Music by Jule Styne

Rockwall Summer Musicals

Directed by Barbara Doudt
Music Director – Chris Widomski
Producer – Cecelia Rogers
Stage Manager – Annie Gray
Scene Design – Phyllis Johnson
Lighting Design – Charlotte Wester
Costume Design – Marureen Cruz
Sound Design – Robert Fraizer
Choreographer – Susanne Toler
Propmaster – Palmer Ragsdale
Aerography – Flying By Foy

Wendy Darling – Tori St. John Gilbert
John Darling – Ben Ashcraft
Liza, The Maid –Jane Talbert
Michael Darling – Ethan Garrett
Nana, a Newfoundland dog – Austin Darrington
Mrs. Darling – Darla Meek
Mr. Darling – Matthew James Edwards
Tinker Bell – Wiloni Darrington
Peter Pan – Molly Pope
Slightly – Tim Gilliland
Tootles – Thane Holt
Curly – Argel Gutierrez
1st Twin – Luca Babineaux
2nd Twin – Joseph Arce
Nibs – Zane Syjansky
Captain Hook – Matthew James Edwards
Smee – Jospeh Lee Burnam
The Crocodile – Austin Darrington
Tiger Lily – Megan McCullough
Starkey – Paul Alan Burnam
Cecco – Jay Garrett
Noodler – Monte Monkress
Jukes – Johnathon Reese
Lunville – Johnathen Oefelein
Holland – Moises-Abram Zamora
Marasco – Danny Oursbourn
Wendy (Grown Up) – Margaret Smith
Jane, Wendy’s Daughter – Cathryn Harris

Indians – Michael Christian, Allison Crabtree, Madysen Criss, Lonnie Davis, Karlee Douglass, Anastasia Murphy, Chloe Poston, Margaret Smith, Ryan Ramirez, Sarah Resse, Bradley Williams, Vaughn, Joy Wilson

Director—Chris Widomski
Violin – Angela Pendleton
Violin – Roxanne Turner
Cello – Shari Allison
Bass – Maranda Shanz
Reed (Flute, Piccolo) – Paula Olcham
Reed (Flute) – David Schmittinger
Reed (English horn, oboe) – Rebekah Johnson
Reed (Clarinet) – Miguel Morales
Reed (Clarinet) – Sarah Prichard
Reed (Bassoon, opt Bass Clarinet) – Zacharary Griffin/Morgan Webb
Trumpet – Roy Garner
Trumpet __ Scott Benners
Trumpet – Cecelia Rogers
Trumpet – Christian Griffin
French Horn – Cathy Lemmon
French Horn – Jake Ashcroft
Trombone – Dawson Ward
Piano – Melissa Williams
Percussion – Hunter Thompson
Percussion – Joel Arce

Reviewed Performance: 8/19/2017

Reviewed by Angela Newby, Associate Critic for John Garcia's THE COLUMN

Peter Pan, the classic children’s story is brought to life by Rockwall Summer Musicals and does not disappoint children of all ages. Come along and join the journey of the Darling children as they travel to Never Neverland with Peter Pan and encounter the lives of the Lost Boys, Pirates, and of course the Indians!

Director Barbara Doudt has brought together a talented crew that not only produced a great show, but clearly enjoyed their craft. The audience loved the show and based off of the laughter, claps, and smiles, it was a night enjoyed by all, young and old.

Chris Widomski, music director, did a phenomenal job with the orchestra which set the tone and mood for the show. This talented group on individuals created beautiful music that worked seamlessly with the action on stage.

Phyllis Johnson’s set designs were magnificent. Every time the curtain was raised, the audience was impressed with each new set that graced the stage. The Darling’s nursery took over the whole stage, but the artwork on the walls with nursery rhymes and Captain Hook were brilliant. Once they arrived in Neverland, the background drop was a scene straight out of the movie, rainbow included! The Jolly Roger was full of dark wood and towered menacingly over the stage; the perfect home for Captain Hook and his pirates.

Lighting Design by Charlotte Wester enhanced the action on stage wonderfully. Each and every fade-in/fade-out held just the right amount of lighting to allow the audience to see not only the show, but highlight a section on the stage. I loved the twinkling lights behind the stage that became the stars, and the darkened stage lights helped set the time of day for the scenes.

Marureen Cruz’s costumes were exquisite. They were time-period perfect for the Darlings, and Jim Darling’s tux with top hat and tails was exactly what he needed. Captain Hooks costume was brilliant and full of flare and ruffles that looked as if he walked off a movie set. Peter Pan was dressed in green tights and tunic with leaves on the shoulders. Wendy’s blue night gown and hair ribbon were simple, yet elegant. John’s long gown was perfect with his father’s top hat, and Michael’s footed pajamas showcased his age in the show. The Indians were probably one of my favorite costumes of the night. They were dressed in brown leather and feathers, with amazing face paint to highlight their warrior stance. The pirates and lost boys were decked out in traditional garb.

Sound Design by Robert Fraizer was perfect. This mainly occurred around Tinker Bell and The Crocodile. Each time the clock would tick, the audience would look from side to side of the stage to find his location. There were a few times with the both the lost boys and pirates where there were microphone issues.

Susanne Toler’s choreography was spot on. Every musical number was highlighted with the choreography that filled the stage with energy. My favorite was in “Indians” where the choreography was natural and hit perfectly with each beat of the orchestra. In “Ugg-A-Wugg” the multiple moving parts flowed spectacularly. Toler’s talent was one of the highlights of the production.

Flying By Foy did the Aerography and every time a cast member flew into the sky the audience was in astonishment and wonder as the magic of pixie dust filled the theater.

Molly Pope, Peter Pan, was the star of the show. Pope vocally was stunning especially in “I’ve Gotta Crow” and “Neverland.” Pope’s facial expressions were perfect Peter Pan and her interactions with every other actor on stage were superb. Pope’s aerial skills were strong and her energy overtook the theater.

Matthew James Edwards as Captain Hook was magnificent. Edwards’s stage presence was larger than life, and he embodied the evil Captain Hook in every movement and vocal inflection. Edwards’s use of rigid posture showed his superiority to the other pirates; while his facial tics let the whole audience knows when The Crocodile was nearby! Edwards’s vocals were brilliant in “Hook’s Waltz.”

The Darling children were fabulous! Tori St. John Gilbert as Wendy was the perfect mix of an infatuated young woman and coming of age adolescent. Her body language was perfect as she mothered the Lost Boys and she shined in “Distant Melody” with Pope. Ben Ashcraft, John, was hilarious with his raised eyebrows and vocal inflection. Ashcraft’s smiles were huge as he flew across the stage and his joy was contagious. Ethan Garrett, Michel, was precious. Garrett’s vocals and body language all screamed that he was unsure of what to do next, but this fit in perfectly with the youngest Darling child, who was in awe of Peter Pan. His wide eyes and boyish grin showed his love for where he was! These three have a long future ahead of them in the theater world!

The Pirates were the comic relief of show and full of energy and amazing facial expressions. The Lost Boys were perfectly matched and held that brotherly bond that can only come with true comradery! The Indians each held their posture and stoic faces perfectly and lent an air of danger to the scenes.

Wiloni Darrington, Tinker Bell, was the most disappointing element of the show for me. Tinker Bell was a green laser light which flew across the stage. Once they returned to Neverland, Tinker Bell lived in her house and it was a green light that glowed through the window, and would flicker when she was “talking.”

Austin Darrington as Nana, the Newfoundland dog, and The Crocodile was wonderful. These larger than life animals, were given the exact attention to detail, and each of Darrington’s movements were fantastic and lifelike.

The ensemble was wonderful and each played their role with all that they had!

Rockwall Summer Musical put on a wonderful production of Peter Pan that brought energy and excitement from beginning to end. From the young to the old, the audience loved each element of seeing Peter Pan, the Lost Boys, Captain Hook with his pirate gang, the Indians, Tinker Bell and of course the Darling Family bring to life one of the best loved stories of all time.


Rockwall Summer Musicals
1201 T L Townsend Drive
Rockwall, TX 75087

Runs through August 20th

Performances are on Friday and Saturday at 7:30pm and Saturday and Sunday Matinees at 2:30pm.

Tickets prices range from $18-22 depending on level (student, senior, and adult).

For tickets and information, go to